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By viewing this website or anything made available on or through this website, including but not limited to programs, products, services, opt-in gifts, e-books, videos, webinars, blog posts, newsletters, consultations, e-mails, social media and/or other communication (collectively referred to as “Website”), you agree to accept all the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer.
The information provided on or through this Website is intended for educational and informational purposes only as a self-help tool for your own use and does not constitute legal or professional advice, nor is it intended to be. The information provided on the Website regarding your business, career or any other aspect of your life is not intended, in any case, to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by qualified doctors, legal and general competent advisors.
APODOSIS is not responsible for the actions, choices or decisions taken by the client. The associates of APODOSIS do not accept any responsibility for any damage from the use or dissemination of information provided on our Website. If these terms are not accepted by you, please do not choose our services.
Unknown individual risks that cannot be predicted and circumstances that may arise during the use of the Website and may affect or reduce the results are not our responsibility.